Teen & Kid Closet Fact Sheet
What is Teen & Kid Closet’s Mission Statement?
Every child is important and should feel that way. Teen & Kid Closet caters to children and youth in need, providing them with fashionable, good-quality clothing and accessories for free. We give them choices when, so often, they have none.
When did Teen Kid Closet begin?
TKC was founded in 2007 by Robyn Nance and Linda Rogers, who remain active in operating Teen & Kid Closet. They are backed by a dynamic, hands-on board of directors and a team of dedicated volunteers committed to helping children in need.
Who can shop at Teen & Kid Closet?
Any referred child—birth to 22 years.
Who can refer a child?
Social workers, counselors, teachers, pediatricians, CASA/GAL, etc. Anyone in a position of authority who knows the child/family situation.
How can I refer a child?
Teenkidcloset.org. Click on the “Referral” tab and complete the form. Choose which location you would like to refer the children: Downtown at 307 East Sprague or North at the Pittsburg Learning Center -
13120 North Pittsburg Street.
What happens after a referral is submitted?
The Teen & Kid Closet scheduler will contact the family (usually within 1 to 2 business days) and schedule a time for them to shop at 1 of 2 TKC locations.
When are shopping days?
Downtown: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8-2 p.m. and 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 4-7 p.m. North: This location is new, and hours are TBD. Anticipate at least 1 day/week.
How often can a referred child shop?
Every six months (a new referral is needed each time).
How do you get all the clothes?
TKC accepts donations of new and gently used, age-appropriate, and current items. Donations are accepted on the 1st Saturday of the month at Downtown TKC (307 East Sprague) between 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Any branch of First Interstate Bank also accepts donations during business hours (no more than the equivalent of 2 garbage bag sizes). All socks and underwear must be new, in packages. Monetary donations are used to purchase other needed items.
What are the items you most need?
It varies throughout the year. Stay up to date on needs by following us on social media.
How many children shop at Teen Kid Closet each month?
More than 120 children shop each month.
Do you need volunteers?
Absolutely! TKC relies on volunteers to schedule visits and assist in all shopping days, sort/stock the shelves, assist with fundraising/outreach, and more!
How can I sign up to volunteer?
Go to Teenkidcloset.org and click on the “Volunteer” tab.
Is Teen & Kid Closet on social media?
Yes, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
How can I contact Teen & Kid Closet?
TKC Downtown(509) 534-1151
TKC North (509) 465-6008
Email: contact@teenkidcloset.org
Mailing Address: Box 4099, Spokane, WA 99220
Teen & Kid Closet Statistics
August 2023
Scheduled: 683
Shoppers: 546 80% show-up rate
Items: 10,420
Value: $93,341.00
August shoes: 595 pair
Through 8-31-2023: 41,476 $394,489.00
Through 8-31-2022: 20,918 $215,829.00
84% increase in the number of shoppers 2,357 vs 1,279
83% increase in the amount of value 2023 vs 2022